Advanced Search

Advanced Search:

The "Advanced search" allows you to refine the results obtained with the "Search for a name" box within each individual fund, section, series and within a given chronology

It is possible to search for multiple words by choosing the "Search type" of the terms indicated:
  • "At least one term": will find all results that contain at least one term
  • "Exact search" if we want the terms to appear in the description in the exact position as we have indicated
  • "All terms" will find all results that contain all terms even in another order.
We can choose a chronological interval with the "Date" boxes and with the "Only with photos" button we can view only the digitized files.

The result obtained is one or more strings with the date and the keywords of the issue, arranged in the order that we have chosen with the "Sort by" drop-down menu.
The summary descriptions of the documents can be further developed, by clicking on them, with the complete description of the file.
After consulting the file, the down arrow allows you to return to the search result.
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Search Results

Trovati 1 Elementi
Fund Section Series/Sub Serie Name Ancient Date Recent Date Creator Digital Version
Alamanni Patrimonio Strozzi Decimari Ludovico e Taddeo Strozzi loro beni da tassare 1498 1542 Alamanni